North SeaTac Park Consensus


Footnotes 1-9 reference documents cited in the North SeaTac Park Consensus Statement

Footnotes 1-22 reference documents cited in “The North SeaTac Park Consensus is Urgent and Necessary”

  1. FAA Compliance Reviews of Airport Noise Land Use & Financial Operations: SeaTac International Airport, 2016

  2. Community Health and Airport Operations Related Noise and Air Pollution: Report to the Legislature by Seattle-King County Department of Health in Response to Washington State HOUSE BILL 1109, December 1, 2020

  3. Washington State Department of Health Environmental Health Disparities Map

  4. U.S. Presidential Executive Order 12898

  5. US Department of Transportation Order 5610.2

  6. Mildrexler DJ, Berner LT, Law BE, Birdsey RA and Moomaw WR (2020) Large Trees Dominate Carbon Storage in Forests East of the Cascade Crest in the United States Pacific Northwest. Front. For. Glob. Change 3:594274. doi: 10.3389/ffgc.2020.594274

  7. Green SeaTac Urban Forest Enhancement Guide, Forterra, City of SeaTac, Port of Seattle, 2019. Tree canopy cover for the City of SeaTac estimated at 21% for the entire city and 25% not including the airport, (p. 14).

  8. Green Burien Partnership Urban Forest Stewardship Guide, Forterra, City of Burien, Port of Seattle, 2019. Tree canopy cover for the City of Burien estimated at 30% on p. 10.

  9. Green Des Moines Partnership Urban Forest Enhancement Plan, Forterra, City of Des Moines, Port of Seattle, 2019. Tree canopy cover for the City of Des Moines estimated at 29% on p. 13.

  10. Seattle Tacoma International Airport Sustainable Airport Master Plan Near Term Projects Environmental Review Process Scoping Information Documents prepared by Landrum & Brown Inc. for Port of Seattle, July 2018 (p. 11)  

  11. Real Estate Strategic Plan: Port Commission Study Session, July 26, 2016, p 16-22.  And Port of Seattle 2020 Real Estate Strategic Plan, August 2021. Also see discussion and figures at “What trees are at risk?” page of

  12. Evergreen Communities Act, Engrossed Second Substitute House Hill 1216, Chapter 209, Laws of 2021

  13. Washington State’s HEAL Act, Engrossed Second Substitute Senate Bill 5141, Laws of 2021

  14. Three Million Trees by 2025, King County Washington

  15. King County’s 30-Year Forest Plan, February, 2021

  16. Moomaw WR, Masino SA and Faison EK (2019) Intact Forests in the United States: Proforestation Mitigates Climate Change and Serves the Greatest Good. Front. For. Glob. Change 2:27. doi: 10.3389/ffgc.2019.00027

  17. Why Keeping Mature Forests Intact Is Key to the Climate Fight, Fen Montaigne, 11/15/19, Yale Environment 360

  18. David J. Nowak, Eric J. Greenfield, May 2018, Declining urban and community tree cover in the United States Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. V. 32, May 2018, Pages 32-55. The national average for tree canopy cover is estimated at over 30%.

  19. King County-Cities Climate Collaboration Joint Letter of Commitment: Climate Change Actions in King County, final version, undated, accessed on 12/24/21.

  20. Executive Order 12898 - Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations

  21. US Department of Transportation Order 5610.2 (a)

  22. The Port of Seattle Equity Statement and Vision, 7/8/2020

  23. Port of Seattle Commitment to Air Quality and Energy Efficiency, accessed on 12/24/21

  24. Charting the Course to Zero, Port of Seattle Maritime Climate and Air Action Plan, 12/2021.

  25. Study of the Current and Ongoing Effects of the Operation of the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport

    May 29, 2020, Prepared for the Washington State Department of Commerce by Stantec, as authorized by ESSB 6032, p. 8 and 40. Public Health recommendations of the 2020 study include: “#10. Replant trees throughout the study area to help absorb noise and air toxins.”

  26. Investigation of environmental justice analysis in airport planning practice from 2000 to 2010 Amber Woodburn McNair, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Volume 81, April 2020, 102286

    Airport and FAA planning documents, nationwide, from 2000-2010, "did not consistently detect environmental justice impacts, nor did they consistently confer importance to those impacts when high proportions of protected populations were detected. As a result, the social costs of collective airport expansion are unclear and likely underestimated.”

  27. Port of Seattle SeaTac Airport IDIQ - Westside Maintenance Campus, WT America, accessed 3/29/24. Will include a vehicle fuel rack, airfield deicer storage, and an approximate 135,000 square feet multi-bay building enclosing a Consolidated Resource Recovery Facility (CRRF) for consolidating airport waste materials. This multi-acre site will be located “on a set of tiered platforms moving down the hillside” which is now covered in pine trees that catch airport pollution.

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